On Mautner-Type Possibility of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable Exoplanets

Preprint Article Version 1 This version isn’t peer-reviewed
Version 1 : Received: 28 June 2019 / Approved: 10 This summer 2019 / Online: 15 This summer 2019 (00:00:00 CEST)
Version 5 : Received: 28 June 2019 / Approved: 10 This summer 2019 / Online: 9 August 2019 (00:00:00 CEST)
Version 3 : Received: 28 June 2019 / Approved: 10 This summer 2019 / Online: 19 October 2019 (00:00:00 CEST)

How you can cite: Kovačević, A. On Mautner-Type Possibility of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable Exoplanets. Preprints 2020, 2020110091 (doi: 10.3390/sci1020040). Kovačević, A. On Mautner-Type Possibility of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable Exoplanets. Preprints 2020, 2020110091 (doi: 10.3390/sci1020040).

Cite as:

Kovačević, A. On Mautner-Type Possibility of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable Exoplanets. Preprints 2020, 2020110091 (doi: 10.3390/sci1020040). Kovačević, A. On Mautner-Type Possibility of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable Exoplanets. Preprints 2020, 2020110091 (doi: 10.3390/sci1020040).


Both macro and microprojectiles (e.g., interplanetary, interstellar as well as intergalactic material) are seen as important vehicle for that exchange of (bio)material inside our solar system in addition to between stellar systems within our Universe. Accordingly, this involves estimates from the impact odds for various source populations of projectiles, particularly for intergalactic meteor particles that have received relatively little attention since regarded as rare occasions (discrete occurrences which are statistically improbable because of their very infrequent appearance). We employ the straightforward and yet comprehensive type of intergalactic microprojectile capture through the gravity of exoplanets which helps us to estimate the map of collisional odds to have an available sample of exoplanets in habitable zones around host stars. The model features a dynamical description from the caption adopted from Mautner type of interstellar exchange of microparticles and altered for the purposes. We use record and knowledge metrics to calculate probability map of intergalactic meteorite particle capture. Furthermore, by calculating the entropy index map we appraise the power of these rare occasions. By adopting one from immigration theory, we reveal that the transient distribution of birth/dying/immigration of fabric for that simplest situation has unparalleled combination.

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astrobiology extrasolar planets intergalactic meteor particle
On Mautner-Type Possibility of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable Exoplanets the wide range

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On Mautner-Type Possibility of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable Exoplanets improbable because of their very
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Resourse:https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202011.0091/v1 Key:On Mautner-Type Possibility of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable Exoplanets

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