An audience-sourced studying list
Face-to-face user studies needed to be stopped within the wake of Covid-19, and appearance unlikely to resume in the near future. We’re working out how you can navigate this so-known as ‘New Normal,’ exploring how and just how our research practices could be adapted. Discussions about alternative way of assessing usability for artifacts contributions have began . The problem should maybe put differently: let’s say we required this being an chance to consolidate HCI theories?
A lot of us howevr arrived at HCI using their company fields — and also have not always received an effective summary of HCI theories. I and also to my what were people’s favorite papers, chapters or books making theoretical contributions to HCI. Here’s a compiled listing of studying suggestions I’ve received.

Introductions and overview
If you prefer a short and accessible overview, recommended this by , editor from the 2003 . noted ’ (2012), while suggested it (2018). The Interaction Design Foundation has numerous sources on HCI theory (for example, this ).
About Users (Customers/People/Subjects/Participants)
Users is really a but listed here are two information on the way they are defined and just how this impacts our practices: Oudshoorn and Pinch’s book (printed in 2003, suggested by ) and (printed in 1993, edited by Schuler and Namioka and suggested by ).
Empirical studies
The 1987 book by and Flores (recommended by Dan Bennett). On situated cognition, an individual reference is Suchman’s 1987 book . She outlines the implications of ethnomethodology for HCI and requires restored focus on actions because they are conducted. The addresses critiques from the book, which we’re also discussing .
On distributed cognition,

As companion readings, texts focused on applications may be useful. suggested (edited by Greenbaum and Kyng, printed in 1991). Ben du Boulay suggested ’s , initially printed in 2005.
Activity Theory
Activity Theory is perhaps among the . It’s employed for:
1) analysing improvements, concepts,and problematic facets of the idea (2) identifying domain-specific needs for brand new theoretical tools
(3) developing new conceptual accounts of issues in the area of HCI
(4) guiding and supporting empirical analyses of HCI phenomena and
(5) supplying new design illustrations, claims, and guidelines
To experience how it pertains to situated action models and distributed cognition frameworks outlined above, try Bonnie Nardi’s . On activity theory itself, an individual favorite is Susanne Bødker’s With the Interface — an individual Activity Method of Interface Design (, ). Her paper is a superb read prior to the papers about encounters below.
To tie activity theory and introducing affordances, do this 2002 paper by Klaus B. Bærentsen and Johan Trettvik, suggested by . The 2017 paper by Vyas et al. creates a pleasant parallel studying. If you are interested in earlier texts on affordances, there’s Don Norman’s 1988 — suggested by .
Exactly what do we mean by interaction? & reason that
“;the term interaction is field-defining, yet surprisingly confused [covering concepts for example] viewing interaction as dialogue, transmission, optimal behavior, embodiment, and power use [which] constru[es] the causal relationships between your human and also the computer.” They highlight “;the necessity to improve scope and specificity, to higher take into account the results and agency that information technology has in interaction” within their 2017 paper .
To extend this discussion, look at this 2019 paper by Stuart Reeves and Jordan Beck next: .
I am not sure ‘experiences’ is the greatest umbrella term of these two texts, but this is actually the best I acquired. Brenda Laurel explains why “;there’s more towards the experience than getting something completed in the real life” and the way to exceed this-based approach in Computers as Theatre (initially printed in 1991, re-edited in 2013, suggested by ). This is a reasonably different proposition than, for example Norman’s description of computers as invisible interfaces between one and one’s task.
and Hornbaek size up attempts in HCI to think about subjective and enjoyable encounters. They articulate within their 2016 how this recovers two various kinds of encounters: .