System Resilience – SEBoK

Lead Author: John Brtis, Contributing Authors: Scott Jackson, Alice Squires, Richard Turner

According to the Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles (1973), resilience is “;the act of rebounding or springing back.” This definition most directly fits the situation of materials which return to their original shape after deformation. For human-made, or engineered systemsengineered systems the definition of resilienceresilience can be extended to include the ability to maintain capabilitycapability in the face of a disruptiondisruption. The US government definition for resilient infrastructureinfrastructure systems is the “ability of systems, infrastructures, government, business, communities, and individuals to resist, tolerate, absorb, recover from, prepare for, or adapt to an adverse occurrence that causes harm, destruction, or loss of national significance” (DHS 2010).

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The System and also the Social System


The main intent of the paper would be to present an artificial look at the system being an integral element of the social system that it performs a number of critical functions and that, consequently, it receives numerous problematic supports or sources. As a result an effort is built to put the health system in the proper perspective, i.e. away from the exclusive center of sociological interest but alongside several complementary and differentiated sub-systems, each one of these performing its very own tasks and always competing for that scarce sources essential for the performance of those tasks. My conceptual plan is ‘structural-functional’ and derives, in the majority, in the insights elaborated by Talcott Parsons and the look at society being an equilibrium-maintaining system, and comprised of meaningfully interrelated sub-systems in a way that alternation in one sub-product is potentially certain to affect other sub-systems and also the system in general.

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