The Middle for Urban Infrastructure is operated underneath the auspices from the Civil Engineering Department. The study focus from the Center is on New You are able to City and it is infrastructure, with special focus on renewal, rehabilitation, capacity expansion, and protection from the City’s urban systems.
The next major studies are presently going ahead within the Center:
Blast-resistant Materials and Systems
An extensive program to add mass to blast-resistant materials and systems has led to three US patents and something Canadian patent that are presently within the commercialization phase:
- US Patent # 7,677,151, dated March 16, 2010, titled “;Protective Structure and Protective System” by Jameel Ahmad
- US Patent # 7,562,613, dated This summer 21, 2009, titled “;Protective Structure and Protective System” by Jameel Ahmad
- Canada Patent CA2544060, dated December 2, 2008, titled “;Protective Structure and Protective System” by Jameel Ahmad
- US Patent # 6,973,864, dated December 13, 2005, titled “;Protective Structure and Protective System” by Jameel Ahmad
Self-compacting Concretes
Growth and development of self-compacting concretes (SCC) using certain classes of super-plasticizers is within progress within the Center with special applications in blast minimization design. SCC also offers broad application potential in road building and rehabilitation to avoid potholes or roadbed disintegration, therefore considerably prolonging the existence from the system. An exclusive wire-mesh reinforcement system taught in patents described above can make SCC concrete systems similar to structural steel in durability and strength.
Asphalt Technology
An early on R&D enter in asphalt technology led to the next US patents:
- US Patent Number 5,106,227 dated April 21, 1992 titled “Reinforced Asphalt Concrete and Structure for creating Same,” by Jameel Ahmad and Frederick P. Valenza
- US Patent Number 5,009,543 dated April 23, 1991 titled “Reinforced Asphalt Concrete and Structure for creating Same,” by Jameel Ahmad and Frederick Valenza.
Dam-less Kinetic Hydropower Generation
Kinetic Hydropower generation in the flowing waters of rivers, canals, or tailraces is yet another major section of R&D within the Center. These studies has led to the next US patent that was developed within research hire Verdant Power, a brand new You are able to kinetic hydropower company:
- US Patent # 7,456,514, dated November 25, 2008, titled “;Kinetic Hydropower Generation from Slow-Moving Waters” by Jameel Ahmad
Sea Wave Energy Generation
Generation of one’s from sea waves is yet another section of current research within the Center. An evidence-of-concept laboratory project was conducted within the Hydraulics Lab from the Civil Engineering Department this year. Jobs are now going ahead around the design and deployment technique for an airplane pilot project from the coast of Lengthy Island. The first creation of the work is going to be hundreds of KW’s having a build-out potential within the MW range. Some pot group of civil and mechanical engineering faculty and students will work about this project.

Resourse:https://cooper.edu/engineering/center-urban-infrastructure Key:Center for Urban Infrastructure